Vignes - Vines

Our terroir

A Singular Heritage

La Mascaronne’s terroir instills a unique character in each of the estate’s wines. Indeed, our underlying philosophy is one of sublimating all that Nature has to offer while adapting to its specificities.

Today, thanks to the ceaseless efforts of its dedicated men and women, the terroir of La Mascaronne is producing exceptional wines as never before.


An Uncommon Terroir

La Mascaronne owes its singularity to its remarkable terroir. Located on a hillside at the highest point of the estate, the vineyard is mostly composed of clay-limestone soils. Careful analysis of the soils and subsoils allows the winegrowing team to adapt its selection of grape varieties to the specificities of each plot.

On this land particularly rich in rock, winegrowing has always been driven by a desire to meet the challenges that Nature sets forth by mastering the particularities of each plot, down to the smallest of details, so that our terroir may reveal the best of itself.

Raisins - grapes

A Unique Microclimate

Located at an elevation of three hundred meters, La Mascaronne enjoys a unique microclimate: nighttime temperatures are constantly several degrees cooler than along the shore.

The vineyard’s orientation brings natural ventilation that favors the healthy development of its grapes and allows the team to minimize use of phytosanitary treatments. The amount of sunshine and rain and average temperatures are never excessive, providing ideal conditions for the vine to thrive.

Vignoble - vineyard

A Treasured Vineyard

La Mascaronne’s sixty hectares of vines are planted on a single, continuous ring-shaped plot of land. Meticulous preparation of the soils allows roots to reach deep down into the depths of the land, which protects the vine from extreme dryness. Irrigation is thus rendered unnecessary.

Vines are mostly planted from north to south so they may bask in the rays of the rising and setting sun. The estate’s oldest vines are a precious part of its legacy, and they receive the most scrupulous care. Harvest takes place in the morning and is carried out entirely by hand. Grapes are harvested at the height of ripeness and sorted first in the vineyard and then upon arriving in the cellars so that only the most qualitative berries are used to craft La Mascaronne’s wines.

Les Restanques

Our Stone-Walled Terraces

The stone-walled terraces of La Mascaronne are another feature that make the estate particularly distinctive. In Provence, as in other wine-growing regions including the Douro Valley and Lavaux, man has constantly had to adapt to the land in order to plant his vines.

The ancestral technique of building terraces using the stones that abound throughout the region is still in practice today. At La Mascaronne, these stone-walled terraces are essential and benefit from constant maintenance, and they are repaired and restored by our teams using only the most traditional methods.

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